Why KAFEON?2018-10-24T11:25:27+00:00



When Batch Coffee is too much for a single person to brew, we end up losing freshness of beans after a week or two. In order to keep them fresh, we have various ways of keeping them fresh, but nothing beats the just roasted beans. Once exposed to air, we lose the freshness of bean.

To keep them fresh, we have to consume faster so we can get another fresh roasted bean, we need a TOOL that can be applied to the purpose of keeping beans fresh.

So we came up with an idea in a  very small simple tool.



We all need coffee break once or twice a day but it requires to use very special kits to make special coffee.


We all think that brewing own coffee in a busy life is a waste of time because we say “I’m too busy to brew and no time to clean up”. So we end up buying a coffee from a store in a paper cup and leave wastes.

KAFEON PORTABLE is a simple Pour-over Coffee Maker tool to enjoy and share fresh drip coffee with Family, Friends, or Office colleagues.

Microwave or Electric Kettle are everywhere these days.


KAFEON PORTABLE is an Environmental Friendly tool enjoy Fresh Brewed Pour-over Coffee without making wastes.


“Share, Drip, Enjoy Together”
